In the spirit of the church tradition of painting our doors red, 圣奥古斯丁教堂努力成为一个欢迎和安全的地方,为我们的学生和社会. 圣体圣事在学年的星期日举行, where we hear the Word of God and partake of the sacraments. We invite you to visit our chapel during worship times and open yourself to the possibilities of a spiritual journey anchored in a relationship with Jesus Christ and nourished by Christian community. We have a relaxed service infused with the participation of students with a diversity of talents ranging from our Divine Dance Worship to our University Choir.

 As an Episcopal Chapel, we recognize that students bring the gifts of a diversity of beliefs, experiences and talents, and we treasure this diversity. We strive to be an inclusive and welcoming community, 拥抱多元文化,通过耶稣基督无条件的爱团结在一起. 中国博彩平台的大学教堂项目和宗教生活是一个学习的地方, pray, and worship together, 坚固我们的信心,使我们成为奉差在世上事奉神的使者.

Chapel Open Hours

Tuesday - Thursday 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Why the Red Door?

“In the earlier days of the church it was understood that a soldier could not pursue an enemy that had entered through the red doors of a church. 红色的门是所有进入的人的避难所和避难所的象征. To all concerned the red on the doors signified the blood of Christ that had been shed so that all who came to him could be saved. 任何通过这些门的人只要呆在门后都是安全的. Over time, Christian people began to see the red doors of the church as symbolizing not only physical refuge and safety, but spiritual refuge as well. 

The blood of Jesus, and of the Church’s martyrs, that the red doors of the church symbolized, would protect you from evil, both physical and spiritual. 红色的门对着那些门里面的圣地世界说话, space that had been purged and made clean by God’s Holy Spirit. Today people choose to paint their church doors red for many of the same reasons that churches did centuries ago.”

Sunday Worship

Follow us on the Chapel Facebook for Live Virtual Worship Service!

Worship & Wonder Speaker Series

September 24, 2023

Dr. Mark Andrew Jefferson

Dr. Jefferson’s preaching, scholarship, 与流行文化的接触勾勒出他作为一名公共神学家的承诺. Dr. Mark Andrew Jefferson is the CEO of Maleko Global Partners (MGP), 一家专门为领导者提供装备和授权的咨询公司, especially clergy. Prior to founding Maleko Global, Dr. 杰斐逊在弗吉尼亚州亚历山德里亚的弗吉尼亚神学院教授讲道. Before joining the Seminary faculty in 2016, 马克是匹兹堡市匹兹堡神学院的兼职教授, PA, 此前曾在亚特兰大埃默里大学坎德勒神学院任教, GA.

Dr. Jefferson holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Religion focusing on Homiletics from Emory University where he was a doctoral fellow for the Fund for Theological Exploration (FTE) and the Lilly Foundation. During his doctoral work, he received the W.E.B. Du Bois Award from the Candler School of Theology. Active in the life of the church in graduate school in Atlanta, Dr. 杰斐逊是大旅行者休息浸信会的基督教教育主任, which, at the time, was counted as one of the fastest-growing churches in the country, according to Outreach Magazine. 他拥有埃默里大学坎德勒神学院的神学硕士学位, where he concentrated his coursework in homiletics, completed a certificate in Black Church Studies, and served as President of the Black Student Caucus. He majored in Political Science and concentrated in Public Administration at Norfolk State University (NSU) in Norfolk, Virginia. While at NSU, 他曾担任Pi Sigma Alpha(政治科学荣誉协会)的主席, earned the Vince Lombardi Most Outstanding Football Athlete Award, and was named a Coca-Cola Academic All-American.

View full bio →

August 27, 2023

Pastor Timothy D. Careathers

Timothy Careathers牧师是友谊传教浸信会的主任牧师兼教师, located in Fayetteville, NC and is married to the former Jill L. Baskerville.

Pastor Careathers commenced his preaching ministry in March of 2000 at the Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church, in Chattanooga, TN under the leadership of Pastor Willie Paul. 他在田纳西州纳什维尔的美国浸信会学院获得神学学士学位. Prior to pastoring the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church he pastored the Westside Missionary Baptist Church in Chattanooga, TN for 15 years.

Pastor Careathers’ commitment to social justice and prophetic witness is not only evident in his proclamation of the Gospel but in his community activism and civic leadership throughout his ministry. He has served as a member of the Clergy Koinonia of Greater Chattanooga; as a board member and co-chair of the Spiritual Enrichment Department of the Servant Leadership Christian Fellowship; on the governance committee of the Alternative Seminary; on the Board of Directors of The Sanctuary; on the board of directors at The Bethlehem Center. 他也是查塔努加汉密尔顿县黑人核心小组的联合创始人和前任主席, TN and founder and former board chair of The Net Resource Foundation, an asset based non-profit organization.

他目前正在攻读McAfee神学院的神学硕士学位, Mercer University.  牧师Careathers也是《博彩平台大全》一书的出版作者.”


There are no upcoming events at this time.



Deacon Sallie Simpson will continue to be available to the Saint Augustine’s University “family” during our physical separation. Anyone can contact her via email at She will check that mailbox twice a day during this time and respond by phone or email as appropriate.

National Service of Healing and Wholeness

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Scholarship Opportunities

Absalom Jones Institutional Tuition Grant

Saint Augustine’s University has set aside $259,405.为圣公会和圣公会的学生提供奖学金. Applicants are required to receive written confirmation of baptism from their parish rector or bishop. 学校奖学金覆盖50%的学费,颁发给成绩不低于3分的学生.0 GPA. This scholarship is renewable each semester.

The Episcopal Church Educational Scholarships

Scholarships are derived from annual income of designated trust funds established by generous donors through bequests to The Episcopal Church. The listing of trust funds and scholarships includes information related to the intended use of scholarship funds. A number of these scholarships are designated for students enrolled in theological education and training. Others provide modest scholarships for children of missionaries, bishops or clergy, as well as other groups covering a wide range of eligibility. When funds are available, the maximum award is $10,000 per student. 奖学金申请者必须是圣公会教徒,并且必须得到他或她的主教的认可.

Mary-Margaret Kellogg Scholarship

The Association of Episcopal Colleges, 圣公会学院和大学的美国分会, is pleased to offer a select number of Mary-Margaret Kellogg Scholarships for Episcopal students active in their churches and attending one of the Episcopal Historically Black Colleges and Universities: St. 奥古斯丁学院在北卡罗来纳州的罗利,沃里斯学院在南卡罗来纳州的丹麦. These are $5,000 awards over four years for fees at one of the two colleges, based on successful academic progress.


How did Saint Augustine’s Chapel begin?

1868年2月11日,圣奥古斯丁师范学校成立了一个礼拜会众. The congregants met on the school’s campus until a building was erected on Dawson and Lane streets in Raleigh, NC. 北卡罗莱纳州立法机关批准在这个地方的土地建设一个礼拜场所. 罗利从基督教堂转到新教堂的十名成员. 其他成员包括参加新礼拜社区的学生和教师.

Washington Hayes and the Reverend Henry B. Delany, later Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of NC, 开始在圣奥古斯丁师范学校的财产上建造现在的教堂. The Rev. Delany was the quarry master and masonry instructor at that time. Under his direction, the students quarried the stones for construction, and laid the cornerstone in 1895. The construction was completed in December 1895. A year later, the church located in downtown Raleigh was renamed the Church of Saint Ambrose upon recommendation by Bishop Cheshire and permission of the Diocesan Convention. 最终在1897年10月11日,教堂被圣奥古斯丁教堂祝圣. Rev. 约瑟夫·布朗特·柴郡,北卡罗来纳州圣公会教区的主教.

When did the Episcopal Church Begin?

圣公会是全球圣公会的一个省.When England established colonies in America, Anglican worship was established in the British colonies.Following the Revolutionary War, and the establishment of the United States of America, 11月9日,三名神职人员和二十四名非神职代表在马里兰州的切斯特顿会面, 1780 and resolved that ‘the Church formerly known in the Province as the Church of England should now be called the Protestant Episcopal Church."新教"一词表明这是一个宗教改革传统的教会, and the world ‘Episcopal’ noted a characteristic of catholicity,” namely being under the pastoral leadership of bishops.

What makes us Anglican?

The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion. “共融”这个词的意思是与他人有团契、友爱和团聚. 我们与来自世界各地的英国圣公会的其他省份分享关系. There are several attributes which we share with Christians in the Anglican Church that mark us as Anglican.

  1. We are Protestant, 然而,天主教:作为一个圣公会,圣公会“坚定地站在改革宗传统的立场上, yet considers itself just as directly descended from the Early Church as the Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox churches.”
  2. Like all Anglican Churches, the Episcopal Church believes that Christians should be able to worship God and read the Bible in their first language.
  3. The Episcopal Church uses the Book of Common Prayer for Worship. 这本书是英国圣公会所有信徒都遵循的礼拜仪式的集合.它被称为共同祈祷,因为全世界的人都在一起祈祷. 第一本公祷书是由托马斯·克兰默在16世纪用英语编写的.”
  4. Faith informed by Scripture, Tradition, and Reason: The Anglican tradition acknowledges that the Holy Scriptures are the Word of God and “completely sufficient to our reconciliation to God, and must always speak to us in our own time and place.”As Anglicans we look to two thousand years of tradition which can inform our understanding of scripture. These traditions of the Church connect us with all generations of believers as we seek to interpret scripture. We are also created by God with intelligence and particular experiences which form our God given reason. We use this reason along with the traditions of the church to discern how scripture relates to our own lives….


中国博彩平台是圣公会的重要机构, and is committed to the spiritual growth and formation of students.The chapel serves as a place of worship on Sunday mornings, and the chapel office coordinates campus religious life. Additionally, Saint Augustine’s University is affiliated with two associations which connect the university to The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion.These organizations are the Association of Episcopal Colleges (AEC), and Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC). Click here for more information on CUAC.

What do I need to do to be a baptized Christian?

We welcome individuals who seek baptism. As a sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ, 洗礼使人借着水和圣灵进入基督的身体. 洗礼发生在一年中不同时间的圣餐仪式中. The Episcopal Church baptizes people of all ages, and at Saint Augustine’s Chapel we have provisions for baptism by immersion or by pouring water upon the candidate. 如果你想受洗,请联系大学牧师. Hershey Mallette Stephens at 919.516.4241 or by email at to attend a baptism, get information and preparation session.


There are numerous resources for spiritual formation. Students at Saint Augustine’s University should investigate the religious life programs in the following ways. There are excellent online resources by the Society of Saint John the Evangelist. 你可以注册通过电子邮件接收每日反思,阅读讲道,学习祈祷. You may also view the Daily Office at Forward Movement’s online service, or The Chapel. 这些只是一些在线资源的精神形成. Please consult the university chaplain, The Rev. Hershey Mallette Stephens for more information.


Visit the Episcopal Church website entitled “The Church Awakens: African Americans and the Struggle for Justice.”Visit this website to hear interviews with theologians such as Dr. 詹姆斯·科恩和第一位被任命为圣公会牧师的非裔美国女性 Rev. Pauli Murray on topics of race and Christianity.

Rev. Hershey Mallette Stephens

The Rev. Hershey Mallette Stephens

Dean of the Chapel and Spiritual Life

Pic Oct 18

The Rev. Sallie Simpson

University Deacon